the bliss programme
Welcome to the world’s first Endocannabinoid System (ECS) wellbeing programme!
I founded the Bliss Programme (so called after one of the body’s own endocannabinoids – anandamide, which is the Sanskrit word for ‘bliss’) because after extensive research and clinical practice I have found that balancing the body’s ECS through diet, lifestyle and phytocannabinoids like CBD has a profound effect on supporting many different areas of health. The ECS is intimately linked to every system throughout the body including the central nervous system, immune and cardiovascular system, as well as your gut, so balancing your ECS is going to have a profound and foundational impact on your health.
Coming soon: I will be offering different Bliss Programme packages to suit your needs including tests to assess your ECS function; an online clinical consultation and a bespoke diet and lifestyle programme to suit your health needs.
Fill in the following form to register your interest.