I’m here to champion
our endocannabinoid system.
"Our endo-what?" I hear you ask!
Well, we've all got an endocannabinoid system (or ECS for short); it connects nearly every system and organ in our bodies and its function is critical for all aspects of our health, from physical to emotional and psychological wellness.
So why haven't I heard about my ECS?
It's only in the last 30 years that research has begun to reveal the ECS in all its glory and importance to health: And other systems, like the immune, digestive and central nervous system, have had more scientists and doctors shouting about them over the years.
But I'm here to change that!
What is the Endocannabinoid System?
The ECS is integral to balance and healthy function of nearly every other system in our bodies. It's linked to our
immune health;
pain response;
sleep patterns;
gut function;
gut microbiome;
hormone balance;
bone health and so much more.
And because I don't follow the mainstream, my interests lie in not only understanding the physical and biochemical aspects of ECS function but in also how it relates to our emotions and mental health. There's a strong element of ECS dysfunction in areas like anxiety, pain perception, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), sleep and even consciousness.
I also work with a number of professional athletes and have seen first hand the benefits of adding in quality CBD products to recovery, training and performance programmes. CBD was taken of the World Anti-Doping Authority (WADA) banned substance list in January 2018 and research (as well as my own clinical observations) shows that CBD can help in a number of areas such as reducing pain and inflammation; improving recovery time from training, competition and post-injury; improving sleep and reducing performance anxiety.
Join My Bliss Programme
what ever your health status:
From professional athlete to someone wanting to improve their health baseline - I want you to get to know your ECS; what it is; what it does and most importantly, because I'm a clinical neuroscientist with extensive training in nutrition and lifestyle approaches to supporting health; how to practically support your ECS.
And one of the main ways of supporting our ECS is that super-charged food supplement CBD (short for cannabidiol), extracted from hemp plants, along with other phytocannabioids.
Follow me on my social media for all my ECS, CBD and phytocannabinoid adventures.
Also see how you can Work With Me.
Let me bust some myths around CBD and medicinal cannabis. Sign up below for your free ABC of CBD ebook and to register your interest on my Bliss Programme.